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Castle Cluggy


Added on 16 December 2020

THE TRUSTEES are waiting for Brindley Associates to complete their tree survey and to complete a plan for the soft landscape elements. This will allow the Quantity Surveyor to complete his initial cost plan for the project. Bat surveys need to be carried out - winter hibernation surveys and summer activity surveys - before any building work can start. If the winter surveys were to be done this year, the static bat detectors would need to be deployed today to allow for a two-week monitoring period within the month of December so we cannot start the winter surveys this year now. We are forced to accept that the winter surveys will be December 2021-February 2022, allowing building work to happen in 2022. We will spend 2021 getting the various consents in place, completing the necessary archaeological and ecological surveys, allowing us time to raise the necessary finance. 
