Castle Cluggy Charitable Trust
CASTLE CLUGGY CHARITABLE TRUST is constituted as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO), a charity registered in Scotland, to raise money and apply for grant aid funding to carry out consolidation works to preserve the remains of Castle Cluggy.
Mission Statement
The charity's purposes are the advancement of heritage and education for the benefit of the public, in particular through the maintenance, repair and preservation of the physical remains of the structure known as Castle Cluggy on the Dry Isle. Importantly, funding will be used to offer local people training in heritage skills as well as a community archaeology project attracting volunteers keen to dig into the area’s past, working with local schools to advance public education in history and architecture.
Board of Trustees
The structure of the organisation consists of the BOARD who hold regular meetings and control the activities of the organisation. The people serving on the board are referred to as CHARITY TRUSTEES and they are also the MEMBERS of the organisation. The trustees bring a wide range of skills and experience and there is a good balance of ages. The HEAD TRUSTEE (chairman) belongs to a family that has intermarried with the Murrays for many years and he is a Murray through his mother. He has a deep love of Scotland and its history and heritage, especially castles which are an active passion, and the connection with the Murray clan first sparked his interest in bringing the ancient structure back to good health and protecting it for future generations. The Proprietor of the Ochtertyre Estate placed Castle Cluggy together with the land known as the Dry Isle, which is still his heritable property, into the Trust's safe keeping for the benefit of the nation. It is held in the name of a custodian trustee who holds the property on trust for the charity.
“The castle, and all it represents, will always be with us. Once it was born, once the stone was made living, the repository of power made real, the idea could never be unmade. Even if all the castles of all the world were destroyed, in the minds of men they would be built anew; the wizard called imagination would raise high walls and towers out of ruins.”