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Castle Cluggy


Added on 08 February 2021

BRINDLEY ASSOCIATES' Landscape Design Project Manager/Senior Landscape Architect undertook a site visit and Brindley's have prepared the landscape design package. There is a lot of understorey [layer of vegetation] -  rhododendrons - at the existing path, which will need to be cleared to facilitate access and to create some clear views towards the Castle, but some will be maintained (although heavily cut back) to maintain stabilisation of some of the sloped areas – to the south and east – more a case of creating some clearings rather than complete removal of it all. The landscape design proposals and associated construction details for the site have been issued to trustees for comment: Detailed planting plan; hard landscape proposals plan; associated construction details; and planting notes and landscape maintenance and management Plan. The soft landscape palette has been kept simple with a large content of evergreen species. Much of the hard landscape again has been kept simple and can be sourced ‘off the shelf’.
