Official Website
Ancestral seat of the Murray baronets of Ochtertyre
“The castle, and all it represents, will always be with us. Once it was born, once the stone was made living, the repository of power made real, the idea could never be unmade. Even if all the castles of all the world were destroyed, in the minds of men they would be built anew; the wizard called imagination would raise high walls and towers out of ruins.”
WE ARE VERY PLEASED TO UNVEIL the final images of Castle Cluggy from the specialist art studio, which certainly accord with our own vision of what the old tower would have looked like many years ago. The hi-resolution files will enable the images to be used on interpretation panels in the future. We asked an eminent Professor of Medieval and Environmental History for his comments on the physical appearance of the tower to ensure only historically correct artwork was produced and to get a better understanding of the spaces. Castle Cluggy is a beguiling castle, with lots of nooks and crannies and features of interest. However, because of later alterations it is not an easy building to understand. Staircases, fireplaces and arrow slits or gun holes appear in the most unlikely places.

SITUATED on the northern shore of Loch Monzievaird (pronounced mon-ee-vaird), nestled in the heart of the private Ochtertyre estate minutes from the market town of Crieff in a beautiful region of Perthshire, where the Highlands meet the Lowlands at the very heart of Scotland, Castle Cluggy is one of Strathearn's little-known ancient dwellings - ancestral seat of the Murray baronets of Ochtertyre for several centuries. The Category B-listed building is situated on a little peninsula called the 'Dry Isle' approached in former times only by a drawbridge for the purposes of strength and security. The nearby crannog (artificial island) is said to have been used in days gone by as a place of containment for any prisoners held by the castle. Much of the original castle has been destroyed revealing an impressive square tower with thick walls and arrow slots at various levels.
REMOTE AND LITTLE KNOWN, it would have been so easy to allow Castle Cluggy to collapse into a picturesque ruin but Castle Cluggy Charitable Trust has now started work to rescue it and to see the ancient ruins more appropriately protected as a scheduled monument of national significance. This website will allow you to follow the process of exploration, analysis and careful renovation as it happens, and to investigate the long and intricate history of this Scottish treasure. You also have the opportunity to be part of its future; this is a challenging and costly venture and any support that you can provide will help to secure Castle Cluggy for future generations.
The Trust faces a huge task, not least in researching and recording before the work of stabilising and preservation can begin. An appeal for funds has been launched and it is hoped that people from all over the world will join together in helping to preserve this wonderful piece of Scottish history.